Over the course of their career, this charismatic group’s passion for music and live performance
has earned them many fans and recognition all over the US, including a top eight, 7 million vote
finish on CMT’s Music Madness Video Contest. They’ve toured with the Dixie Chicks on their
“Fly” Tour and have also shared the stage with country music greats such as; Jo Dee Messina,
Clay Walker, Toby Keith, SHeDAISY, Kevin Fowler and many other great country acts!
Hard work, dedication and months of long hours working closely with J-Beck records producer,
Carl Becker, The Electric Cowboys released their first album entitled: “Prisoner of the Honky
Tonk”. Within three weeks of the release of this album, “Because I Love You”, secured the 6
position as a Hit Single on Texas Radio 94.7 and 4 on BNET Radio gaining national media
attention from Nashville’s Music Row, CD-TEX, and Italy’s finest, Planet Country. “…We are
getting Reviews from all over the world. This proves once again that these boys are here for the
long haul…”, Carl Becker.
The Electric Cowboys are a complex, unpredictable, ball of talent and energy, showing no signs
of slowing down, as demonstrated by their CMT’s Music Madness finish! A huge indication of
what effect this group can have on an audience. Even an internet audience!
The Electric Cowboys released their latest CD “Heartaches and Highways”, in the spring of 2010.